NIST Traceable Calibration & Bench Level Repair

We are able to provide NIST traceable calibrations for the variables and parameters listed below. These services can be performed on site at your location or in our facility. All traceable, analytical, or process calibrations includes as found/as left data, certificate, or customized data as requested, such as standard deviation or other tolerance deviation interpretation.
Traceable Calibration Standards Maintained
- Pressure: Vacuum to 10,000 psig
- Dimensional-Calipers, Micrometers
- Torque From .1oz in to 150 ft lbs-Torque Wrench & Watch,
- D.C. Voltage/Current
- A.C. Voltage/Current
- Resistance
- Frequency
- Wavelength
- Temperature-Thermocouple, RTD, Thermometer
- Liquid Flow
- Air Flow
- Time
- Length
- Angular
- Conductivity
- Periodicity
- Viscosity
- Volume
- Sound Level
- Turbidity
- Density
- Thermometry
- Photometric Accuracy
- Spectrophotometer Wavelength
- pH
- Dew Point
- Particle Count
- Probe & Thermometer Certification
- Mass 1mg to 500kg.
- Rotational Speed-Tachometer, Strobe
- Relative Humidity
- Infrared Simulation
- Temperature Simulation
- Secure Pak Torque Calibration
- Stray Light
- Incubator Repairs
Bench Level Repairs
- Controllers
- Recorders
- Transmitters
- Power Supplies
- Test Equipment
- Analyzers

For more information on unit repair and calibration, please contact us using or contact form or call our hotline number 877-434-5377.